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 English version

Limited Company " Kirov plant wood-fiber materials "

Makes and delivers following production:

1. A wood flour of GOST of 16361-87 marks «180» and «560»

1. Humidity no more than 8 %

2. A mass fraction of ashes no more than 1 % (mark 560), no more than 0,8 % (mark 180)

3. A mass fraction of the painted impurity no more than 4 % (mark 560), no more than 0,2 % (mark 180)

4. A mass fraction of metallomagnetic impurity no more than 0,0016 % (mark 560), no more than 0,001 % (mark 180)

5. The bulk density is not normalized for mark 560, for mark 180 - from 100 up to 140 kg/m3

6. A mass fraction of the rest

Mark 180 on a grid 0125 - no more than 18 %

Mark 180 on a grid 018 - no more than 2 %

Mark 180 on a grid 025 - no more than 0 %

Mark 560 on a grid 025 - not less than 45 %

Mark 560 on a grid 056 - no more than 5 %

7. The mass fraction of acids for mark 560 is not normalized, for mark 180 no more than 0,08 %

8. A mass fraction of pitches and oils, no more 5 % (mark 560), no more than 4 % (mark 180)

9. The mass fraction of wood of deciduous breeds is not normalized. The prices-contractual.

The wood flour is applied to manufacture

1. Phenoplasts

2. Industrial, polymeric, composite and building materials (welding electrodes, natural linoleum, polywood, isowood, paints, pastes, gypsum cardboard, concrete, putty for wood, heatisolation sheets, bricks)

3. Chemical production (catalysts)

4. Filters and filtering materials (instead of the activated coal, etc.)

5. mettallurgical production at melt steels and ferroalloys as fillers foundry forms

6. Oil-extracting:

a)Increases of petrofeedback of layers on technology

b)Preparations of chisel solutions at repair of chinks

c)Technologies of muffling of chinks with abnormal geological conditions

d)knitting for polymeric tamponic materials, zones of absorption applied to isolation and water-displays, tamponic and repair of chinks in a combination with fillers ( talc, wood flour and other)

7.dioxide the titan on sulphatic technology

8.paste for dry clearing hands

9.clearing bearings and furs from fat and a dirt

2. Powder cellulose mark «E» TC 5411-001-49603537-03. The product represents a flour from acellulose-wood fibre (cellulose, thermomechanical weight), is issued in the formof a powder from light-beige up to grey color. Electrode cellulose is delivered in 4 layer paper bags on 20 kgs, should be stored in the dry premises, protected from influence of atmospheric precipitation.

Manufacture, tests, transportation, storage and application of cellulose powder do not render harmful influence on an environment Delivery is made 3 (2.0 tons of cellulose), 5-ти (3.4 tons of cellulose), 20-ти ton (10 tons of cellulose) by containers and the car (30 tons of cellulose), or motor transport. The qualitative certificate on cellulose of mark «E»

1. Uniformity of a powder on sieve to the analysis The rest on a grid №11 no more than percent 0,4 The rest on a grid №26 no more than percent 10,6

2. Volume 1 гр. A powder at humidity of 7 % (cub.sm)-3,5

3. Solubility in 1 % р-ре caustic sodium no more than 15 %

4. Humidity of percent, no more 7 %

5. Ashes, no more than 3 %

The prices contractual.

Cellulose is applied as

- A component of a covering of the electrodes used at electroarc welding of metals

- Fine-fibered organic filler for building mixes with the purpose of increase in dimensions of a material and improvement heat-isolation properties.

There is an opportunity of delivery of production on export on conditions CPT by technical requirements of tehe consumer. If you are the consumer of a wood flour write to us by e-mail and we shall place here the reference to your site.

Director Russkikh Vladislav Ivanovich

Phone for contacts +7 909 1303840


ICQ 425-145-890

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